Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Handmaid's Tale Blog #4

Even though the party is illegal (because of the provocative clothing, beer, and cigaretts), it is surprising how so many people are there at the hotel. First of all, since the hotel is such a big building, how do Eyes not notice all the people?

I was surprised when Offred saw Moira at the party. Also, how did Moira make it out alive? With all the checkpoints and Guards, I was almost sure that she would be captured and hung, or shot. Even after she did get past all the checkpoints, I was surprised that someone would take her in? There is just too much risk in doing that. This is kind of like the Holocaust in that Moira is looking for someone to take her in, like the Jews who looked for people to hide them from the Nazis. Both were in life or death situations.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure about this but I think that that hotel with everything going on inside was legal. That's where they put all the women that they can't "control," or is a bad influence to the other handmaids at the school. When the Eye caught Moira, he gave her a choice of either returning to the school or staying at the hotel (which makes me think that it is legal and they know about it).

    I guess Moira made it out alive at first, quite easily actually, because she was wearing an Aunt outfit she took from Aunt Elizabeth and she also had Aunt Elizabeth's pass. Everyone at the checkpoint just went with it and let her pass. The people that took her in were Quakers, who I think probably did not like the current system and government either. That's why they probably were willing to help smuggle Moira out of the country (which means this is probably only happening in the US).

    Also I agree with the Holocaust connection. The Quaker families knew they were risking their lives by helping Moira but they did anyway.
